Tuesday, January 26, 2010

IMTEX forming 2010 - International Forming Technology Exhibition

On Sunday 24 Jan, We visited IMTEX, an international machine tools exhibition which took place in Bangalore International Exhibition Center. This is located at the Junction of Tumkur road and Nice road. Its actually a B2B exhibition.

Trully speaking Untill I boarded the bus I was thinking it is an auto expo.I had no idea about it. Govt has arranged special buses, JNnurm buses, at subsidised rate to IMTEX. Good, our govt encourages these shows.

It took place in all 3 halls. I had the best experience there. I was delighted to see robots performing live a feet before me. I actually loved surrounded by those many professionals. Products ranging from small screws to big machineries were exhibited. Live demos were shown.

As soon as I entered 1st hall AMADA was the first exhibit. They were exhibiting VPSS - a simulation based machine which works consuming 20% planning stage and 80% worktime while the usual was 80-20. The beauty is that they showed a live demo, a video presentation and simulation sheets from their Industry.

There were around 300 different firms exhibiting their machine tools, welding machines, etc.

The thing is that we can learn a lot , though not an employee or a mechnanical engineer, by attending these exhibitions.

Its really amazing when you are seeing some 5000+ different machineries at same place provided with pamphlets, demos, videos of their Industries, explanations, dealings, negotiations happening there.

I used to listen to some negotiations pretending as if I am observing some pamphlets.

Stalls of Business newspaper, Karnataka Udyog Mitra (for promoting the business investments in Karnataka ), manufacturing associations of some other countries - Japan, france. were also there.

FrankfurtRhieinMain GmbH International Marketing of the region is the location marketing company of the FrankfurtRhiein region of Germany. I was impressed to see location marketing done there.

I left there being fully satisfied of having a great learning experience.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Once on a rainy evening....

Last week it was raining heavily here, in Bangalore. As usual the city showed her ugly face. I was in room reading Organizational Behavior (OB). It was about understanding Customer perspective as a marketer. How to understand how each customer thinks. Difficult it is.
Hard to understand the concept, to have a break I went out to have tea with prasanna and manish.
Down the road it was drizzling.
How ugly the road becomes when it rains. Can't we enjoy rain in cities as in my village. I was thinking how could the BMC take steps to handle public places more effectively.
Manish said these rainy days will be more profitable for Bar owners. Medical shops will gain like anything. Here profit...there profit...bla..bla..bla
I was wondering how different people think differently for the same situation.
Then I found my answer for OB - perspective varies a lot across people.
Chill ... learning behavior from daily life is easier than from books.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Three qualities which an MBA graduate has to possess

1. Skills
2. Experience
3. Composure

These are the parameters upon which sportsmen are ranked upon. Eg : F1 drivers. Business, a more formal sport, needs people who have these three.

Growth is life. Not only for MBA, everyone who aspires to grow high and high in life should check if they are cultivating these three qualities in their path.